


class XMLParserController

This is API controller that contains method for communication of the android app and the Hive Server.

Here are some references to it’s methods:

public void GenerateHiveCall (ProjectQuestionModel projectQuestionModel)

It is called for the Asset creation on the Hive Server.

public IHttpActionResult GenerateXMLFile (ProjectQuestionModel mainModel)

It is called for creating an asset file with extension .json for downloading, viewing and analyzing the asset.

public HttpResponseMessage GetDownloadFile ()

It is called to download already created JSON asset file from the server.

public IHttpActionResult DeleteDownloadedFile ()

It is called after GetDownloadFile to delete the json asset file from the server to avoid creating numerous useless files.

public async Threading.Tasks.Task<List<HiveServer.Models.Project>> GetAllProjects (Questions mainModel)

It is called to get all existing projects from the Hive Server.

public IHttpActionResult SaveAssignment (Assignment assignmentModel)

It is called for saving the submitted assignment on the Hive Server.

public IHttpActionResult SaveSensorData (SensorDataModel sensorDataModel)

It is called to save sensors information.


class AuthenticationController


class HiveController

This is a Controller with methods.

Here are some references to its methods:

public ActionResult Index ()
public void GenerateHiveCall (ProjectQuestionModel projectQuestionModel)

It is called for an Asset creation on the Hive Server.

public async Task<ActionResult> GetAllProjects (jQueryDataTableParamModel param)

It is called to get all projects from the Hive Server.

public async Task<ActionResult> GetProjectsIds ()

It is called to get only Project Ids of all projects that exist on the Hive Server.

public async Task<ActionResult> GetAssetData (String projectId, String assetId)

It accepts project Id and an asset Id and returns the corresponding asset object after getting from the Hive server.

public async Task<ActionResult> GetAssetsIds (String projectId)

It accepts a project Id and returns Ids of all assets that are associated with given project Id.

public async Task<ActionResult> GetUserData (String projectId, String userId)

It accepts project ID and a user Id and returns a specific user.

public async Task<ActionResult> GetUsersIds (String projectId)

It accepts a project Id and returns all user Ids that are associated with given project Id.

public async Task<ActionResult> GetTaskData (String projectId, String taskId)

It accepts project Id and a task Id and returns specific task object.

public async Task<ActionResult> GetTasksIds (String projectId)

It accepts project Id and returns all task Ids that are associated with given project Id.

public async Task<ActionResult> CreateAssignment (String projectId, String taskId, String assetId, String userIdsList)

It is called for the creation of an assignment for single or multiple users.

public async Task<ActionResult> CreateProject (String projectId, String projectName, String projectDesc)

It is called for the creation of a Project. The project description is an optional.

public async Task<ActionResult> CreateTask (String projectId, String name, String desc, String state, Int32 total, Int32 matching)

It is called for creating a task.


class HomeController

This is a Controller with methods.

Here are some references to it’s methods:

public ActionResult Index ()

It is called very first when a user reaches the site and after validating login information, it will return the user to either home view or on login view.

public ActionResult HiveView ()
public ActionResult CreateProjectView ()
public ActionResult ProjectConfiguration ()

It is called for returning Project Configuration View On this view, a user can create a project, task, and assignment without leaving the view.

public ActionResult ProjectsView ()

It is called to view the summary of all the projects in a tabular form.

public ActionResult AssetsView ()

It is called for viewing a specific asset after selecting the project and an asset.

public ActionResult UsersView ()

It is called to view specific user after selecting a project and a user.

public ActionResult TasksView ()

It is called to view the specific task after selecting a project and a task.

public ActionResult CreateTaskView ()
public ActionResult CreateAssignmentView ()
public ActionResult MyXMLParser ()
public ActionResult Signup ()

It is called to return the Signup view to a user so that the user can Signup.

public ActionResult Login ()

It is called to return the Login view to provide the login functionality to the user.

public ActionResult LogOut ()

It is called when the session is expired or when the user clicks on logout button.

public ActionResult serverStorageTesting ()

It is called for testing server storage by automatically creating projects, task, asset etc.

public JsonResult createProject (String number)

It is part of the server storage testing section for the creation of the project.

public JsonResult createTask (String number, String projectId, String state, Int32 total, Int32 matching)

It is part of the server storage testing section for the creation of the task.

public JsonResult createAssignment (String number, String projectId, String task_id, String asset_ids, String user_id)

It is part of the server storage testing section for the creation of the Assignment.

public JsonResult createAsset (String number, String data)

It is part of the server storage testing section for the creation of the Asset.

public ActionResult SaveSession (String sessionValue)

It is called for saving username/ email in an Http Session variable for checking login status.

public JsonResult LoginCall (String email, String password)

It is called to verify the given credentials from the MySql DB.

public ActionResult AssociateQuestion ()

It is called to return the view for question association.

public JsonResult RegisterCall (RegisterDTO registerdto)

It is called to register a user i.e saving user credentials in DB if it does not exists already.

public ActionResult UploadFileView ()

It is called to return the file uploading view so that a user can upload a manual asset file instead of creating an asset on the Map view or Form view.

public ActionResult EditProfile ()

It is called to return the view for editing the profile if a user wants to update his/her information.

public JsonResult UpdateProfile (RegisterDTO registerdto)

It is called to updated information of the user in MySql DB.

public ActionResult CreateAssetMapView ()

It is called to return the view for creating Asset through Map wizard.

public ActionResult CreateAssetFormView ()

It is called to return the view for asset creation through Form wizard.


class XMLController

This is a Controller class with methods.

Here are some references to its methods:

public IHttpActionResult HiveCall (String str)


class ValuesController

This is a Controller class with methods.

Here are some references to it’s methods:

public IEnumerable<String> Get ()
public String Get (Int32 id)
public void Post (String value)
public void Put (Int32 id, String value)
public void Delete (Int32 id)