
HiveServer-> Client

class Client

Following are the properties that a Client class will contain.

Here are references to it’s properties:

HttpClient client { get; set; }

It is HttpClient object for communication with the Hive Server. It is initialized in client constructor.

String host { get; set; }

It is the base address of the Hive Server. It is initialized in client constructor.

String port { get; set; }

It is the port number of the Hive Server. It is initialized in client constructor.

String url { get; set; }

It is the url address of the Hive Server containing host and port number. It is initialized in client constructor.

Here are references to it’s methods:

public Client ()

It is the constructor of the class. It contains the initialization of the client, host, port and url variables.

public void CreateAsset (String projectId, Models.Asset[] Asset, String userName)

It contains the functionality for the creation of Asset on the Hive Server. It also creates an asset file on disk. There is a boolean for checking either the environment is Windows or Linux

public async Task<Models.Assignment> CreateAssignment (String projectId, String taskId, String assetId, String userId)

It creates Assignment on Hive Server according to the provided parameters that are project Id, task Id, asset Id, and user Id.

public async Task<Models.Project> CreateProject (Models.Project project)

It is called for creating Project on the Hive Server. It accepts a project object so that it can create a project.

public async Task<Models.Task> CreateTask (String projectId, Models.Task task)

It is called for creating Task on the Hive Server. Project Id and a task object are provided to it.

public async Task<List<Models.Project>> GetAllProjects ()

It is called to get all the projects from the Hive Server. There are two parameters: ‘from’ and ‘size’ to set the project’s objects quantity.

public async Task<List<Models.Asset>> GetAssetAsync (String projectId)

It accepts a project Id and returns all Assets from the Hive Server that are associated with given project Id.

public async Task<Models.Asset> GetAssetData (String projectId, String assetId)

It accepts project Id and an assets Id and returns the asset from the Hive Server that contains the provided project and asset Id.

public async Task<List<Models.Task>> GetTasks (String projectId)

It accepts a project Id and then retrieves all tasks from Hive Server that are associated with provided project Id.

public async Task<String> GetTasksData (String projectId, String taskId)

It accepts the project Id and a task Id and returns the task object from Hive Server related to the given project and task Id.

public async Task<List<Models.User>> GetUserAsync (String projectId)

It accepts a project Id and returns all users object from Hive Server that are associated with this project.

public async Task<Models.User> GetUserData (String projectId, String userId)

It accepts a project Id and a user Id and return user object from Hive Server that contain the provided project and user Id.